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Sugar Paste Wax

May last you a month. Results may vary.


Heating oven is not included nor is it necessary. A Microwave can be used. 


For: arms, legs, underarms, Brazilian, back, chest.


Directions: Heat up for 10-15 seconds. Please feel free to use your microwave. The warmed sugar paste should not be warmer than body temperature. Remove a ball of sugar using your thumb, index, and middle finger. Hold skin taut with one hand and mold the paste onto the skin applying against hair growth 3 times quickly. Then apply pressure at the top and flick quickly parallel to the direction of hair growth.  Immediately after you remove hairs, apply firm pressure to the waxed area. Clean the sugared area with warm water. 

Directions are included in packaging.

Sugar Paste Wax

SKU: 0001
  • Sucrose, organic lemon juice, water

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